Crossing srl è una PMI Innovativa, Spin-Off dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, che dispone del know–how per l’industrializzazione di una vasta gamma di agenti Cross-Linking o ACL. Questi composti reticolano tra loro materiali di origine naturale e⁄o sintetica senza lasciare traccia nel prodotto finito. Attualmente impieghiamo i nostri ACL per la produzione di cuoio atossico, packaging e tessuti antimicrobici, vernici antivegetative, materiali sanificanti per l’edilizia, bioplastiche, ecc.
Crossing srl is an Academic Spin-Off of Ca’ Foscari University (Venice), registered as Innovative SME. The society developed the know-how for producing a new class of “Active cross-linking” agents or “ACLs” at competitive prices. These activators can bind different molecules to each other with a “lock and key” mechanism. Actually with our ACLs it is possible to produce: non-toxic leather, active packaging, anti-fouling paints, antimicrobial building materials, active cellulose, etc
Crossing srl is an Academic Spin-Off of Ca’ Foscari University (Venice), registered as Innovative SME. The society developed the know-how for producing a new class of “Active cross-linking” agents or “ACLs” at competitive prices. These activators can bind different molecules to each other with a “lock and key” mechanism. Actually with our ACLs it is possible to produce: non-toxic leather, active packaging, anti-fouling paints, antimicrobial building materials, active cellulose, etc
Tematic route
Biodegradable and compostable polymers and bioplasticsBiorefinery (vegetable biomass sub-products, waste and effluents from the agro-industrial sector, cSelling waste-derived productsEcomaterials, eco-designPackaging