Startup innovativa tutta italiana che progetta e produce MicroCogeneratori ad alto rendimento. Officine Galvani ha investito notevolmente in ricerca e sviluppo e detiene un brevetto per il motore endotermico. Il risultato è Genesys, un MicroCogeneratore all’avanguardia, compatto, silenzioso, a elevata efficienza, modulare e integrabile in ottica 4.0. Le innovazioni tecnologiche applicate permettono di evidenziare l’efficienza globale prossima al 100% come testato da Inovalab-Università di Padova.
Italian Innovative startup. Significant investments in Research and Developmen have led to the creation of cutting-edge technological solutions and a patent for the internal combustion engine. The result is Genesys range of high-performance micro-cogenerators. Overall efficiency close to 100% as tested by InovaLab - University of Padua. The primary energy used is exploited to the maximum, making the machines produced by Officine Galvani among the most efficient on the market.
Italian Innovative startup. Significant investments in Research and Developmen have led to the creation of cutting-edge technological solutions and a patent for the internal combustion engine. The result is Genesys range of high-performance micro-cogenerators. Overall efficiency close to 100% as tested by InovaLab - University of Padua. The primary energy used is exploited to the maximum, making the machines produced by Officine Galvani among the most efficient on the market.
Tematic route
Mini and Micro cogeneration